Authentic Balkan Cuisine: Prebranac Baked Beans

This delicious Prebranac Baked Beans is perfect for any occasion, served for lunch or dinner!

By xp5u9
September 11, 2021
Rating: 0.00

Are you looking for an interesting and unique way to spice up your dinner table? If so, you should look no further than Prebranac Baked Beans – an authentic Balkan dish. Prebranac is one of the most beloved dishes in Macedonia, Serbia, and Croatia, and is a must-try for anyone looking to savor the flavors of the Balkan region. In this article, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide to creating a delicious and authentic Prebranac Baked Beans dish, perfect for sharing with your friends and family. So grab your ingredients and let’s get started!

Prebranac baked beans is an authentic Balkan dish, originating from the countryside of Serbia. This traditional recipe calls for a number of simple and flavorful ingredients to provide a satisfying and comforting meal.

Prebranac Baked Beans Recipe

A traditional Prebranac Baked Beans dish is made with dried white beans, diced onions, and garlic cloves. These ingredients provide a foundational flavor that is well-balanced and savory. To add a level of depth and sweetness to the dish, the beans are combined with red or yellow bell peppers, carrots, and tomatoes. These vegetables provide layers of flavor and create a vibrant color to the dish.

This version of Prebranac Baked Beans is vegan but you can also add smoked meats. While the traditional recipe usually calls for smoked pork or bacon, many people opt to use smoked kielbasa, andouille sausage, or even turkey bacon. The smoky flavor of the meat adds an additional dimension to the dish and makes it a satisfying meal.

For the finishing touches, traditional Prebranac Baked Beans are often topped with a spoonful of sour cream and sprinkled with chopped fresh parsley and dill. This garnish helps to provide a bright and herbal flavor that pairs perfectly with the smokiness of the dish.

The result is a flavorful, hearty, and comforting meal that is perfect for dinner any night of the week. Prebranac Baked Beans is a classic Balkan dish that is sure to become a family favorite.

Prepping the Beans

Prepping Prebranac Baked Beans is a vital step in creating authentic Balkan cuisine. This classic dish is found throughout the Balkans, but the most popular version is Prebranac, which is made with dried beans, smoked bacon, onions, garlic and paprika. Preparing this dish requires a bit of time and patience, but the results are definitely worth the effort.

The first step to prepping the beans is to soak them overnight in cold water. To do this, simply place them in a large bowl, cover with cold water and allow them to soak for at least eight hours. When the beans are finished soaking, drain off the liquid, rinse them and set them aside.

Next, it’s time to prepare the other ingredients. Start by slicing the bacon into small cubes, then dice the onions and mince the garlic. In a large skillet, cook the bacon until it’s crispy, then add the onions and garlic. Sauté them until they are softened and lightly browned, then remove the mixture from the heat.

Finally, add the soaked beans to the skillet. Sprinkle the paprika over the beans and give everything a good stir. Cover the skillet and cook over low heat for at least one hour, or until the beans are tender. When the beans have cooked through, remove the skillet from the heat and serve.

With a few simple steps, it’s easy to prepare Prebranac Baked Beans and enjoy a classic Balkan dish. The results will be a delicious and filling meal that will please even the most discerning palate.

Balkan baked beans Prebranac

Making the Sauce

Making the sauce for Prebranac Baked Beans is one of the most important steps in creating this Balkan delicacy. The sauce is the foundation of the dish, and its unique flavor is what sets Prebranac apart from other baked bean recipes.

The most traditional Prebranac sauce includes a combination of garlic, onion, and parsley. The garlic and onion offer a savory and aromatic base, while the parsley adds a bright, slightly acidic note. The ingredients are seasoned with a mix of paprika, cumin, pepper, and salt. This mixture of spices provides the sauce with a subtle, but distinct Balkan flavor.

The sauce is then simmered in a combination of olive oil and butter. The butter adds a delicate richness and ensures that the sauce doesn’t become too thick. After a few minutes, some cooked diced bacon is added to the skillet. The bacon adds a smoky flavor and a bit of texture. Finally, a cup of white wine is poured into the pan, and the sauce is allowed to simmer for an additional 15 minutes.

When making Prebranac Baked Beans, it’s important to make sure the sauce is not too watery. A properly cooked sauce should be thick enough that it coats the back of a spoon. Once the sauce is prepared, it can be combined with a can of drained and rinsed baked beans, stirring to ensure that the sauce is evenly distributed. This delicious dish can be served as is or with a side of crusty bread. Enjoy!

Combining and Baking the Prebranac

Prebranac baked beans are a traditional Balkan dish that is loved by many. This dish not only has a rich flavor, but it can be paired with many different side dishes and makes a great addition to any meal. While the dish may take a little bit of time to prepare, the end result is well worth the effort.

To begin, start by gathering all of the ingredients you will need to make the prebranac baked beans. The main ingredients include white beans (preferably giant white beans), garlic cloves, onions, and smoked meat of your choice. You will also need some vegetable oil, paprika, black pepper, bay leaves, and salt. Once you have all of your ingredients prepared, it is time to start cooking.

First, begin by soaking the beans overnight in water. Be sure to change the water if it starts to become cloudy. After the beans have soaked, drain and rinse them before starting the next step.

Once the beans are prepared, it is time to combine all of the ingredients. Begin by taking a large pan and heating some vegetable oil. Add in the chopped onions and garlic, and cook until the vegetables are softened. After the vegetables are softened, add the beans and stir to combine. Add in the paprika, black pepper, bay leaves, and salt. Once all of the ingredients are combined, allow the mixture to simmer until it is thickened.

When the ingredients are fully combined, it is time to bake the prebranac beans. Preheat the oven to 350°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place the bean mixture onto the baking sheet and top with the smoked meat of your choice. Bake the beans in the oven for 20-25 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and the beans are soft.

Once the prebranac baked beans are finished, it is time to serve. The beans can be eaten as a main dish with a side of vegetables or rice, or can be served as an appetizer. The beans have a rich, smoky flavor and make the perfect addition to any meal. Enjoy!

How to Make Prebranac Baked Beans

Prebranac Baked Beans is a traditional Balkan dish that is a favorite in many homes across the region. This simple and hearty dish is easy to make and is a delicious and filling meal for any occasion. Here’s a look at how to prepare this tasty classic.

Prebranac Baked Beans

Prebranac Baked Beans

Packed with flavor and nutrients, this hearty, tasty dish will sure to become a family favorite.
Servings 8
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 2 hours 30 minutes
Pre-soaking Beans 6 hours
Total Time 9 hours


  • 1 Glass Baking Dish (Clay pot works great)
  • 1 Large Bowl
  • 1 Large Saucepan


  • 500 g dried white Haricot beans or dry Lima beans
  • 900 g onions (peeled and cubed)
  • 4 cloves garlic (peeled and minced)
  • 3 medium  bay leafs (dried)
  • 2 large  dried paprikas (do not use fresh)
  • 4 small leaks
  • ½ tsp black pepper  (finely ground)
  • 1 tbsp  sea salt
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 2 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 tbsp sweet paprika powder (smoked finely ground)
  • 1 cup sunflower oil (vegetable oil as replacement)
  • 2 tbsp fresh mint (washed and finely chopped)
  • 5 sun dried tomatoes (cut into pieces)
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste optional


  • The first step to prepping the beans is to soak them overnight in cold water. It's best beans to be soaked for at least 6 hours. The beans need to be covered in water and as they sits in water they suck some of the water. A good rule is to have in a large bowl with twice as much water as the volume of beans.
  • Drained beans and then pour the beans into a large soup pot and fill it full of tap water, then place it on the stove and bring it to boiling. When start boiling reduce the heat to medium and let them boil for about 1 hour.
  • While the beans are boiling prepare the rest of the ingredients. Peel the onion and cut in small cubes. Then do the same with the leaks and dried paprikas.
  • In a large skillet, heat a little oil over medium heat. Add in the garlic and cook, stirring occasionally, until fragrant, about 1 minute.
  • Preheat your oven to 350°F/180°C.
  • Add in the sun dried tomatoes, smoked paprika, the bay leafs, vegetable broth, and leaks, and stir to combine. Reduce the heat to low and cook for a few minutes, stirring occasionally, until the tomatoes and tomato paste has dissolved and the mixture is bubbling.
  • Add the drained beans to the skillet and stir to coat with the sauce. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Transfer the bean mixture to an oven-safe baking dish and spread the beans out evenly.
  • Place in the preheated oven and bake for 1½ hours or until the sauce has thickened and the beans are cooked through.
  • Serve the Prebranac Baked Beans hot, with a sprinkle of salt and pepper, and enjoy!


The longer you soak the dried beans, the less time you’ll ultimately have to cook them.
Course: Baking, Main Course, Side Dish, Snack
Cuisine: Bosnian, Croatian, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Serbian
Keyword: Vegan, Vegetarian

Serving and Enjoying Prebranac

Prebranac Baked Beans is an exquisite dish of authentic Balkan cuisine, with an alluring blend of flavors, making it the perfect accompaniment to any meal. This traditional dish is a hearty and delicious combination of white beans, stewed together with onions, garlic, smoked bacon, and a variety of aromatics, all baked together in a savory tomato sauce.

Cooking Prebranac Baked Beans is relatively simple, but the dish needs to be served correctly in order to truly bring out its full flavor. The best way to serve Prebranac is on a bed of steamed white rice, which will keep the beans from drying out. If desired, some freshly chopped parsley can be added as a garnish. Depending on individual tastes, it can also be served with a fresh salad or some toasted pita bread.

When it comes to enjoying Prebranac Baked Beans, there are a few key tips to keep in mind. For one, the baked beans should be served at room temperature in order to bring out its full flavor. Secondly, it’s important to use a light hand when seasoning. The traditional dish already contains a great balance of flavors, so adding too much salt or other spices can overwhelm the taste. Lastly, Prebranac Baked Beans should always be served with a generous helping of sour cream, which helps to cut through the richness of the dish.

Prebranac Baked Beans is a true taste of Balkan cuisine, with a unique flavor that is sure to please any palate. With its simple preparation and tasty flavors, this traditional dish is a great addition to any meal for a taste of authentic Balkan cuisine.

In conclusion, Prebranac Baked Beans is a delicious and traditional Balkan dish that is sure to impress any dinner guest. It is easy to make and is a great accompaniment to any main meal. The dish is a combination of cooked white beans covered in a tomato sauce, topped with herbs, and roasted in the oven. The preparation process is simple and involves soaking the beans, combining them with the other ingredients, and baking in the oven for several hours. Once served, it is sure to impress with its flavorful and unique taste. This unique and delicious dish proves that Balkan cuisine is truly something special.

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