Authentic Bulgarian Shopska Salad Recipe

A refreshing and colorful blend of fresh vegetables and cheese that is perfect for any occasion.

By xp5u9
May 28, 2023
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One of the most famous recipe dishes to come out of Bulgaria is the Shopska salad recipe. This refreshing and healthy salad has become popular all over the world thanks to its simple yet satisfying combination of fresh vegetables and tangy feta cheese.

If you’re looking to impress your friends or family with an authentic Bulgarian dish that’s easy to make at home, then look no further than the classic Shopska salad recipe. This salad is a classic among Bulgarian cuisine and is known for its colorful presentation and flavorful taste.

History of Shopska Salad Recipe?

The Authentic Bulgarian Shopska Salad is a popular dish in the Balkan region, which dates back to the early 20th century. It is believed that the recipe for Shopska Salad was first developed by a group of Bulgarian chefs who wanted to create a fresh and light salad that could be enjoyed during the hot summer months. The salad was named after the Shopsi people, who were known for their love of fresh vegetables.

The Shopska Salad is undoubtedly one of the most authentic Bulgarian dishes that is known worldwide. The Authentic Bulgarian Shopska Salad was first developed by the state tourist agency “Balkantourist” in 1955. Although it is named after the western region of Bulgaria known as Shopluk, the salad was actually created in the eastern region.

One of the first state-approved cookbooks from 1956 features the Authentic Bulgarian Shopska Salad recipe, which is said to have first served in Druzhba, a resort near Varna on the Black Sea coast.

The selection of ingredients for the Authentic Bulgarian Shopska Salad was partly based on their resemblance to the colors of the Bulgarian flag, which would invoke a sense of national pride. Originally, the salad was a representation of Bulgarian tourism and eventually became an official culinary symbol during the 1970s and 1980s. Today, the Shopska salad is widely recognized as Bulgaria’s most iconic dish in Europe.

Authentic Bulgarian Shopska Salad Recipe

Is Shopska Salad Healthy?

The ingredients used in this salad are all nutritious and low in calories, making it an excellent addition to any diet. The cucumbers and tomatoes provide hydration while the onions offer anti-inflammatory benefits. The bell peppers are high in vitamin C which boosts immunity whereas the white cheese offers protein for muscle growth and repair.

Overall, the Authentic Bulgarian Shopska Salad is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients that your body needs to function at its best. So if you’re looking for a light but filling meal that’s both healthy and flavorful – give this salad a try!

One of the main reasons why this salad is considered healthy is because it contains an abundance of vitamins and minerals. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene which helps protect against cancer while cucumbers contain high levels of water which can help keep you hydrated.

Feta cheese provides protein, calcium, and healthy fats which can be beneficial for weight management.

How to Make Shopska Salad Recipe?

The Authentic Bulgarian Shopska Salad Recipe calls for a few key ingredients, including ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions, and feta cheese. The vegetables are diced into bite-sized pieces and combined in a large mixing bowl with olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. The result is a colorful medley of flavors that’s perfect for any occasion.

This dish has been enjoyed in Bulgaria for generations and continues to be a staple meal for locals and tourists alike. To complete the dish, crumbled feta cheese or sirene (a traditional Bulgarian white brine cheese) is sprinkled on top of the mixture. The salty flavor of the cheese perfectly complements the fresh vegetables’ sweetness, making this dish irresistible!

This salad is perfect as an appetizer or side dish. What sets this recipe apart from other salads is the use of traditional Bulgarian ingredients like white brine cheese that gives it a unique flavor profile. Whether you’re someone who loves to experiment in the kitchen or just looking for a new salad recipe to try out, this Authentic Bulgarian Shopska Salad Recipe is definitely worth giving a shot!

traditional Bulgarian Shopska Salad Recipe

Shopska Salad (Bulgarian Salad)

Fresh, Tangy, and Authentic: Discover the Delightful Bulgarian Shopska Salad!
Servings 4
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes


  • 1 Large Bowl
  • 1 Cutting board


  • 4 tomatoes ripen
  • 2 long cucumbers
  • 1 onion
  • 1 red or green pepper
  • bunch of parsley
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 3 tbsp red wine vinegar
  • 1 cup Bulgarian cheese


  • Cut the tomatoes, cucumbers, and pepper into larger pieces and place them in a bowl.
  • Finely chop onions and parsley.
  • Mix everything together and sprinkle with oil and vinegar.
  • Top it off with grated feta cheese.
Course: Appetizer, Salad, Side Dish
Cuisine: Bulgarian
Keyword: Vegetarian

Explore More Bulgarian Salads Recipes?

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