To start, use a large mixing bowl to mix all the ingredients to create a delicious filling for your stuffed cabbage rolls.
Blanch the cabbage leaves boil a large pot of water and blanch the cabbage leaves. Once cooled, remove the tough center ribs from each leaf and set aside.
Take each leaf and place approximately 2 tablespoons of filling at the center of the leaf before rolling it up tightly like a burrito.
Place your stuffed cabbage rolls up side down in a pan with enough room between them so they don't touch each other. In the pan use unwanted or extra cabbage leaves as a bottom layer.
Cover baking dish with foil and bake for about an hour or until cooked through.
To prepare the sauce use a saucepan and mix all ingredients for the sauce. Add the hot water and bring to boil. Remove from the heat.
Pour the sauce over the stuffed cabbage rolls and place it over medium heat for 5 mins. Cover the pan and then reduce the heat and continue cooking for another 40-45mins.
You can sprinkle on top fresh dill and slice of lemon and serve warm. Enjoy!